Automation Solutions
Proudly Canadian, CPG Automation is your premier automated solutions provider.
Focusing on primary and secondary packaging equipment and quality management tools, including product inspection technology and processing design and controls.
CPG Automation is a part of the Canadian Copacking Group Inc.
Known for providing turnkey automation solutions for more than 12 years as well as individual technology systems, we provide systems for companies in:




Micro Cultivation Facilities

Pet Food

Recycling & Plastics


With over 100 years of combined experience and expertise, and with sales and service offices in Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto, our team consists of:
- Project Managment Professionals (PMP)
- Business Information Technologists
- Professional Engineers (P.Eng)
- Certified Private Equity Professionals
- MBA’s
- Manufacturing Specialists
We found the ‘manufacturer’s representative’ approach to commercial business did not always work for the most important part of the equation, the client. Our customer-centric approach, when combined with elite engineering, service, and analysis, sets us apart – We work for the customer first.
Providing service from BC to the Maritimes, our automated solutions range from individual semi-automatic packing stations, to full line automation. For all of your manufacturing, design and integration needs, CPG Automation is your first choice.
CPG Automation has the expertise to provide engineered line and plant design.
We are capable of providing multiple layers of analysis that is unprecedented in automation solutions. Our discrete event simulation can identify, control, and eliminate production constraints and downtime probabilities. This unique approach is applied to our client’s existing or desired production and is layered with key value elements such as flexibility, scalability, safety, and capital ROI.